Nick Kosla is the former Director of Land Planning and Entitlement for Pulte Home Corporation’s Northern California operation.
He was previously with SunCal Companies in the Bay Area and the Hodgson Company in the Sacramento Region. With more than a decade of experience managing the entitlement of infill developments, large-scale master planned communities, and retail projects throughout Northern California; Nick has a proven track record of success within both the private and public-private sectors. Nick is a principal at Kosla Ventures LLC, located in Orinda, CA, which provides land entitlement services to private and public-private sector clients in Northern California.
A few of his specific land use accomplishments include:
Managing entitlement of an 18-acre, 166 unit small lot single family residential subdivision on a planned middle school site in Lincoln, CA formerly used as a storage site for CalTrans materials
Providing acquisition management for properties located throughout the Bay Area including Pantages-Discovery Bay (292 units, 171 acres) and the Dublin Transit Center Site A-1-Dublin (52 units, 2.86 acres)
Rezoning a portion of Anchorage at Marina Bay, Richmond (207 total units, 12 acres) from Industrial/Office Flex to a Planned Area District to allow for 30 units of 3-story, Single Family Attached units
Administering entitlement of an 8-acre, 100 unit single family residential subdivision in Sacramento County
Securing final map approval, pre-planning infrastructure construction and contracting various consultants for a 200-acre, 195-unit single family residential, commercial, and senior housing project in Portola, CA
Procuring final map approval for a 1950-acre; 1900+ unit single family residential, commercial, senior housing, golf course community powered by photovoltaic systems in Placer County
Public Service, Organizations, and License Information
City of Orinda Planning Commission, Chair (2011-2014)
City of Auburn Planning Commission (2006-2007)
City of Auburn Historical Design Review Commission (2006-2007)
County of Sacramento Development Oversight Committee (2006)
United States Army Infantry, DMZ South Korea (2001-2003)
United States House of Representatives, Legislative Aide (2000-2001)
California Real Estate Salesperson License (#01825145)

Developing an annexation strategy for a 50-acre parcel of land adjacent to Lincoln, CA in Placer County
Coordinating entitlement efforts for a 189-acre, 1600+ unit Master Planned Community on a site in Dublin, CA controlled by the United States Army
Producing and presenting Initiative Package and Master Plan for over 4,500 residential units and 3,500,000 square feet of commercial uses at the former Alameda Naval Air Station (Alameda Point)
Preparing 960-unit Planned Unit Development application for the former Oakland Oak Knoll Naval Hospital
Co-leading an effort to redevelop the Oakland Coliseum area initiated by an unsolicited proposal to the City
Creating and directing entitlement system for a Starbucks retail project with over 270 sites across 20 states
Leading a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Tentative map, Parcel Map, and Design Review for a 5-acre, 53 unit single family detached housing subdivision; mapped for condominium lots, and requiring an Environmental Impact Report in the City of Walnut Creek.
California Polytechnic State University: San Luis Obispo, CA Bachelor of Arts: Political Science; May 1999
California State University, Sacramento: Sacramento, CA Master of Public Policy and Administration; Land Use Policy Emphasis, Fall 2010